Our report made 15 recommendations as follows:

Recommendation 1

Wooroloo should take adequate steps to address staff behaviour issues to ensure that all staff are protected from any form of discrimination or intimidation.

Recommendation 2

Safeguard prisoner privacy during orientation by conducting interviews in a private space.

Recommendation 3

Increase the access to information and support for prisoners facing deportation due to visa cancellation.

Recommendation 4

Offer prisoners being interviewed or attending appointments the opportunity to use an accredited interpreting service.

Recommendation 5

At the earliest opportunity, and in line with WA health guidelines, restore social visits to pre COVID-19 conditions, frequency and duration.

Recommendation 6

Adopt an electronic bank transfer system for visitors to deposit money into prisoners’ private cash accounts.

Recommendation 7

Recommence AA and NA at Wooroloo.

Recommendation 8

Provide peer support prisoners training in Gatekeeper suicide prevention or a preferred alternative.

Recommendation 9

Improve relational security practices through more active engagement between officers and prisoners.

Recommendation 10

Increase support mechanisms for fathers to re-establish or maintain connection with their children.

Recommendation 11

Review traineeship processes with a view to increasing the range and number provided.

Recommendation 12

Provide digital literacy training for all prisoners to support post-prison transition.

Recommendation 13

The Department should empower local prison management to assess prisoners as suitable to work outside the secure prison perimeter, but on gazetted prison property. That assessment should be visible on the departmental database.

Recommendation 14

Develop and implement a system wide plan to focus on expanding prison industries.

Recommendation 15

Expediate the time taken to approve PEP and RIL applications, or amend policy to allow applications to be made earlier.

DOJ Response – Wooroloo Prison Farm


Page last updated: January 5, 2022
137: Inspection of Wooroloo Prison Farm