- Ensure the Acacia prison services contract includes performance measures linked to achieving specified outcomes, including reducing recidivism.
- Ensure the Department has sufficient financial management capability to develop and publicly report on robust performance and cost models for the prison system.
- The Department should introduce wearable cameras in high-risk areas of maximum and medium security prisons throughout the state.
- The Department and Serco should examine the feasibility of making Acacia’s Correctional Emergency Response Team available to respond immediately to emergencies at Wooroloo Prison Farm.
- Serco to commit to fully implementing the lifers’ strategy and cease the cross deployment of the Lifers’ Liaison Officers.
- Serco ensures there are enough meaningful constructive and rehabilitative activities available within the Young Adults’ Community.
- (a) Implement a more equitable regime that provides protection prisoners access to the full range of services available to other prisoners, and (b) Implement a suitable strategy that addresses the intimidation, abuse, or acts of malice towards protection prisoners from other prisoners living in the protection unit.
- The Department to examine appropriate options within the prison estate to establish specialised prisoner communities to optimise service delivery and application of resources.
- Complementary to the 24-hour hotline, the Department increase the amount of face-to-face contact by the Aboriginal Visitors Service at Acacia to meet the expected outcomes of the Department’s Reconciliation Action Plan.
- Ensure prisoners have full access to recreation options, as scheduled.
- Serco should significantly increase prisoner access to Skype to facilitate family and community contact.
- Increase the number of staff permanently stationed in the Detention Unit, and protect these positions from being cross deployed to other areas of the prison.
- (a) Ensure Acacia’s new strategy to minimise prisoner violence and bullying is fully implemented, (b) the strategy is reviewed to measure its effectiveness and impact on violent incidents and prisoner safety, and (c) if favourably reviewed, the Department implement similar strategies to address prisoner bullying and violence.
- Significantly increase psychiatric services at Acacia.
- Provide more support and interventions for prisoners struggling with drug and alcohol addictions.
- Trial initiatives to reduce the risks of blood-borne viruses at Acacia, with a view to system-wide improvements.
- Serco to review health services at Acacia, and implement measures to improve efficiencies, effectiveness, and staff morale in the health centre.
- The Department and Serco work cooperatively to develop new interventions and offender programs that are suitable for Aboriginal prisoners, particularly those who are out of country or whose first language is not English.
- Adjust the Re-Entry Link contract to ensure enough resources are provided to meet the demand for re-entry services at Acacia.
- Improve communication between Acacia staff and management as a matter of priority.
- Serco introduce an Aboriginal recruitment and employment strategy that is suitable to the cultural needs of Aboriginal staff.