This report reflects the findings from the fourth inspection of Boronia. We first inspected Boronia in 2006, and the then Inspector described the facility as ‘a model for good practice, women-centred approaches’ and urged the Department to continue to build on it’s excellent performance. At that time the centre was struggling to keep its numbers …
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At the conclusion of the inspection, the Inspector presented eight challenges, which, if accepted, could see Boronia and the wider female prison estate transformed into a model of excellent and innovative women-centred custodial practice. The one challenge that emerged most prominently as a theme was for Boronia to be open to challenge and change, agile, …
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Recommendation 1: Implement an Aboriginal women’s re-entry strategy. Recommendation 2: Increase the use of section 95 of the Prisons Act 1981 to incorporate more meaningful activities for the women in respect of: (i) work; (ii) recreation; (iii) activities between mothers and children; (iv) health services (including mental health); and (v) education. Recommendation 3: Provide new, …
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The key message from this inspection of Boronia was that the centre is doing well, but we expect it to do better. The Inspector challenged them to be agile, responsive and innovative, rather than defensive and content with the status quo. The site is in excellent shape. The gardens are beautiful, and the buildings are …
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