99: Report of an Announced Inspection of Albany Regional Prison
As the only male maximum-security facility outside the metropolitan area, Albany Regional Prison acts as an ‘overflow’ facility for Perth’s two maximum-security male prisons and provides an additional management option for the male maximum-security estate.
Tabled in Parliament98: Report of an Announced Inspection of Bunbury Regional Prison
The fifth inspection of Bunbury Regional Prison took place in November 2014. The prison comprises two distinct facilities that are jointly administered but perform different roles and function largely independently.
Tabled in ParliamentSubmission to the Public Administration Committee
Written submission by OICS to the Public Administration Committee’s inquiry into the transport of persons in custody in Western Australia – 17 April 2015
96: Report of an Announced Inspection of West Kimberley Regional Prison
West Kimberley Regional Prison opened in November 2012 as a facility purpose built to better meet the needs of local Aboriginal Prisoners.
Tabled in Parliament