Image of corridor with cell doors at Banksia Hill Detention Centre

Australian NPM Submission: Australia’s youth justice and incarcerated system

The Office was pleased to contribute and be signatory to the Australian National Preventive Mechanism’s (NPM) submission to the Senate inquiry examining the country’s youth justice and incarceration system. The Submission makes six recommendations to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee and urges careful consideration of the findings and recommendation made by the National …

Image of a young persons hands holding onto a wire fence

Submission: Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system

The Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services has made a submission to the Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee, for the inquiry examining Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system. The short submission focusses on four of the six Terms of Reference: the outcomes and impacts of youth incarceration in jurisdictions across Australia …

Image of the SHU courtyard at Casuarina Prison

Australian NPM Submission to the Committee Against Torture

The Australian National Preventive Mechanism has made a shadow submission to the Committee Against Torture to support its consideration of Australia’s state party follow-up submission under the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT). The submission focuses on a range of recent developments since the Committee’s sixth periodic review …