Broome Regional Prison, Western Australia’s oldest operational prison, is scheduled for its ninth inspection by the Office in May 2025. Originally commissioned in 1945, the prison includes three accommodation blocks and administrative buildings centred around the ‘Bull Pen,’ a secure shed built in 1895. Broome is a mixed-gender, minimum-security facility but also accommodates remand and …
Many women are received into custody experiencing a range of chronic health issues, including substance withdrawal, undiagnosed health conditions or untreated mental health conditions (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2023). And it is recognised that incarcerated women have increased incidence of health conditions (DOJ, 2022; OICS, 2024; OICS, 2021). A number of these women …
This report details the findings of our inspection of Albany Regional Prison. This inspection was conducted in February 2024.
Tabled in Parliament
This report details the findings of our inspection of Bandyup Women’s Prison. This inspection was conducted in September 2023.
Tabled in Parliament
People in custody experiencing acute distress should have access to appropriate crisis care. Mental health disorders affect a significant proportion of the Australian community. It is estimated that approximately 44 per cent of Australians have experienced some form of mental illness within their lifetime (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2022). Consequently, this trend translates …
The Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services has announced an inspection of work camps across Western Australia. External activities – including employment and resocialisation – are an important element in a prisoner’s rehabilitation and reintegration journey. Work camps provide adult male prisoners an opportunity to participate in meaningful work in a community environment. These …