The resulting inspection report made the following 17 recommendations relating to the pre-release unit facility and the main medium security facility at Bunbury Regional Prison:
- Ensure adequate relief coverage for all staff teams.
- At all prisons and throughout the Department, implement processes to embed the values and goals of the new Strategic Plan, including its focus on respect, reintegration and substantive equality.
- The Department should provide regular Senior Officer leadership and management training at all prisons.
- Bunbury Prison should implement Senior Officer team meetings.
- Provide dedicated staffing to support OS&H management at Bunbury.
- Replace Unit One with appropriate, contemporary accommodation that meets the security, safety, and personal needs of the different groups of prisoners held there.
- Develop and implement improved processes for the current gatehouse, control room and sally port, to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of Bunbury’s procedural security.
- Undertake infrastructure improvements to the gatehouse, control room, sally port and security office to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of Bunbury’s physical security.
- Increase the range and frequency of recreational options at Bunbury, including the provision of external activities for PRU prisoners and opportunities for prisoners to gain formal recreation qualifications.
- Recruit an Aboriginal Health Worker for Bunbury Regional Prison.
- Make legislative change or implement administrative arrangements to ensure that all life sentence and indeterminate sentence prisoners can apply to the Prisoners Review Board for inclusion in a re-socialisation or equivalent program.
- Ensure that Vocational Support Officers focus on their core responsibilities by ceasing to deploy them into custodial roles.
- Bunbury to develop and implement a reintegration services plan with targets and performance measures.
- Bring the Bunbury Pre-Release Unit within the remit of the Assistant Commissioner Re-entry and Services.
- Establish the Pre-Release Unit as a stand-alone facility with its own management, staffing, budget, and performance measures.
- For as long as the Pre-Release Unit remains an adjunct of the main Bunbury facility, staff it with a dedicated roster, achieved through expression of interest.
- Ensure that section 95 staffing levels are consistently sufficient for the number of prisoners eligible for external activities.