- Provide the new health, educational and industrial facilities the prison has identified as necessary to the performance of its functions.
- Operate all four accommodation units with sufficient staffing and resources to meet the prison’s complex mix of functions.
- Ensure the consistent provision of all mandatory staff training. In addition provide language and cultural awareness training, and First Aid Mental Health Training for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.
- Provide an Aboriginal Arts workshop.
- Develop and implement proactive strategies to ensure improved access for Aboriginal prisoners to minimum security placements including socially and culturally appropriate work camps.
- Employ an Aboriginal Education Worker.
- Engage appropriate support (including a focus on language and cultural needs) for displaced Aboriginal prisoners accommodated at Albany.
- Develop and implement policies and processes to ensure the appropriate and consistent treatment of foreign national prisoners, including enhanced peer support services and relevant training for peer support officers.
- Improve the Department’s language services policy and operational practices, including interpretation and translation services.
- Ensure that all foreign national prisoners are able to use a portion of their gratuities for sending remittances to support their dependants.
- Ensure sufficient and substantively appointed health centre staff, including nurses, a GP, and an Aboriginal Health Worker.
- The Department must ensure the provision of an adequate dental service, including emergency and acute care (whether provided by Dental Health WA or an alternative service).
- Actively seek and obtain comprehensive health information about foreign national prisoners on their transfer from immigration detention or other Commonwealth facilities.
- Ensure that sustainable occupational health and safety arrangements are in place and that identified hazards such as the spray-painting booth are appropriately managed and rectified.
- Ensure the education centre is fully and substantively staffed, including increased education coordination and administration support.
- Ensure the provision of sufficient computers and up-to-date software for educational purposes.