Image of a human head with working cogs


No consistent definition of intellectual disability There is no consistent definition for the term ‘intellectual disability’. However, it can be broadly defined as a condition that affects the intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour of an individual. People with an intellectual disability may have trouble with communication, memory, understanding, problem solving, motor skills and self-care. It …

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Image of the word 'Policy' in a dictionary highlighted

Key findings

The need for overarching model for people in custody with a disability Development of an overarching model for people in custody with a disability will help embed disability-aware policies and practices at the various stages of a person’s custodial journey. We believe this will help prevent discrimination and disadvantage, improve opportunities for rehabilitation and reintegration, …

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Image of consultant writing on a clipboard and patients' hands, at health assessment consultation.


Not all people with intellectual disabilities who enter custody in Western Australia are identified or adequately catered for or supported. While improvements to identification processes have occurred, the number of people identified as having an intellectual disability remains low compared to research estimates. An over reliance on self-reporting and inadequate information sharing practices compound this …

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Image of post it notes laid on a desk, the note in the centre has the handwritten words Cognitive Diversity.


Recommendation 1 Establish an overarching model to guide the custodial journey for people living with a disability. Recommendation 2 The Government should commit additional resources for the expansion of the Disability Coordination Team within the Department of Justice. Recommendation 3 Develop a policy framework for identifying disabilities in young people who enter custody. Recommendation 4 …

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